PostgreSQL rotate password

Quick practical guide to changing passwords without downtime in PostgreSQL.
Software Engineering

Quick recipe for how to rotate password in PostgreSQL without downtime.

PostgreSQL roles can be created as members of another role, giving them the potential to inherit their privileges, assuming the INHERIT attribute is set (the default).

This is what the documentation has to say about it.

The INHERIT attribute governs inheritance of grantable privileges (that is, access privileges for database objects and role memberships). It does not apply to the special role attributes set by CREATE ROLE and ALTER ROLE. For example, being a member of a role with CREATEDB privilege does not immediately grant the ability to create databases, even if INHERIT is set; it would be necessary to become that role via SET ROLE before creating a database.

Furthermore, INHERIT is enabled by default.

The INHERIT attribute is the default for reasons of backwards compatibility: in prior releases of PostgreSQL, users always had access to all privileges of groups they were members of. However, NOINHERIT provides a closer match to the semantics specified in the SQL standard.


Assuming that the regular role used by the app is called platinum.

Let’s create a temporary role that is a member of the original role.

create role platinum_temp with login password 'temp_password' in role platinum;

Alternatively, existing roles can be added and removed to and from roles using GRANT and REVOKE.

grant platinum to platinum_temp;
revoke platinum from platinum_temp;

Listing existing roles will show the new role. Note that platinum_temp is a “Member of” platinum.

my_db=# du
              List of roles              
   Role name   | Attributes | Member of  
 platinum      | Superuser  | {}
 platinum_temp |            | {platinum}

Let’s also define SET ROLE on the role,

alter role platinum_temp set role platinum;

This makes it so that every new session created as platinum_temp will automatically become the platinum role,

Logging in as platinum_temp and checking the current user will show that the session is actually using platinum.

$ psql -U platinum_temp
my_db=# select current_user;
(1 row)

Making the switch

Change the client program to use the temporary role platinum_temp and its password.

Change the password for the platinum user.

alter role platinum with password 'new_password';

Change the client program back to using the regular role platinum and its password.

Remove the temporary role.

drop role platium_temp;
